Alergi Makanan

Alergi Makanan


Istilah alergi makanan (food allergy) adalah bagian dari terminologi yang lebih luas, yaitu hipersensitivitas makanan (food hypersensitivity), diterjemahkan sebagai semua reaksi tak terduga yang timbul berkaitan dengan makanan, dan dapat dibedakan atas:

  1. Alergi makanan (food allergy), yang Baca lebih lanjut

New Concept Drug Store

When I was 10, which mean 16 years ago, when my dad had a heavy toothache and we ran out a medicine/pain killer, I was asked to buy some of it. That time, no car available at the house, the only thing that available is bicycle. Yes I could just easily ride my bike and bought the medicine rite? But that time, the Canadian rain was very hard and I did not found any rain coat, and the worse part is, the nearest pharmacy store was not open. The only option left that time is, I have to go through the rain, using bicycle, with a quite distance to go through. Yes I got the medicine, my dad pain was minimized, but another thing happened, Influenza was with me after that journey. Back than I could only pry “god I wish I could buy anything online, I wish there were a Canadian Online Pharmacy

But that was the past….
Now?….yes, Canada Pharmacy has developed, now there is a Online Canadian Pharmacy. I could by any medicines, anytime, any wheatear condition, without worrying about transportation, whit this kind of mechanism, I cold save a bunch of money, energy and time. This is just what I asked 16 years ago when I wish to have an ability to order a medicine from a Online Pharmacy/drug store, I just click and the thing that I need will be delivered to my place.